Green Gables MiniNubians - Breeding Quality MiniNubians since 1999

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Listed here are our MiniNubian first freshening does.  For more information on a doe, click her picture or her name to view her personal page with show wins, extended pedigree, more pictures and other information.  Individual pages are picture heavy and may take a while to load.

Green Gables Amazing Southern Charm
3rd generation - American


Sire: Green Gables MB Amazing Comet +*B (5th gen)
ss: VMCH Green Gables SS Moonbeam ++*B (4th gen)
sd: Green Gables EHJ Amazing Grace 1*P (4th gen.)
Dam: Green Gables DT Southern Taffy 2*P (2nd gen)
ds: Mini Ranch BC Desert Thunder +B (2nd gen)
dd: Wonderful Farms SG Royal Candy *P (1st gen)

View extended pedigree here

DOB: 3/11/20

Percentage: 62.68/36.32 (Nubian/Nigerian)

Height: 26" (at 4 yrs)

G6S Normal by parentage

Charm is a daughter of the Amazing Comet who has thrown many incredible kids. Her dam is the first daughter of our Wonderful Farms doe, Candy bred to the buck we brought in from AZ, Mini Ranch BC Desert Thunder +B. Her dam, Taffy, had a lovely udder that has snug  attachments, especially foreudder, good capacity and easy to milk teats. Charm has lovely conformation with a ton of length good depth, beautiful breed character and as a bonus, is polled! She took a looooong time to get bred - apparently she didn't like our bucks. In spite of living with a buck every winter (when I could never catch her in a standing heat) she didn't take until she was almost 4! Her ff udder as a 4yr old is AMAZING! Super capacious, snugly attached and very easy to milk.

Dam's udder

Charm's FF udder


Sire's dam

Green Gables AC Maggie's Mini Me
3rd generation - American
***FOR SALE***

Sire: Opus 7 Farm MK Elvis
ss: Opus 7 Farm CJ Korsakov
sd: ​Urban Acres HWT Sweet Memphis *P AR*D
Dam: Green Gables GS Magma 5*P
ds:+B Echo Hill's DO Goldstone
dd: Green Gables Cali Luna 4*P

Click here for extended pedigree

DOB: 3/17/22

Percentage:  (Nubian/Nigerian)

Height: 26.5 (at 2yrs)

G6S Normal by Parentage

Mini has her dam's "WOW" presence about her. This is another breeding that I was hoping for a doeling from. Maggie is one of our best does and we bred her to our new buck with phenomenal udders and quality animals behind him. Mini looks a TON like her dam. Mini is very balanced with a good blend of  strength and dairiness, a level topline, & good body capacity. Mini's FF udder has a excellent rear udder height and width with great attachments. Her teats are a good size, but too far to the sides of her udder for my preference. She is giving a good amount of milk for a first freshener.

Dam's udder

FF udder

Green Gables CGF Swiss Miss
3rd generation - American

Sire: Green Gables RB Cali's Grand Finale +*B
ss: Green Gables GS Remember the Battle +*B
sd: Green Gables Cali Luna 4*P
Dam: Skillmans Andromeda
ds: Skillman's Twilight After Sunset *S *B
dd: Skillman's Star AR 4*D

DOB: 3/14/22

Height: 24.75 (at 2yrs)

Percentage: 56.99/3.01

I am very excited about this little doeling. She is out of the new doe we brought in (Meda) who has super udder and milk genetics behind her. Her sire is one of our favorites, Cal. Swiss has gorgeous conformation with a loooooong body, nice feet and legs, a level topline, a strong brisket, excellent width. Her breed character is her weakness, but still a massive improvement over her dam. Swiss' ff udder did not disappoint! It is SOCKED on tight, with perfectly sized teats and good production.. On an unimportant note, her coloring is fun as I have always wanted a swiss marked doe (she's a swiss/sundgau combo) and she is also a very dark chocolate.

Dam's udder


Paternal granddam's Udder

Green Gables E Heavens Declare
6th generation - American
Sire: Green Gables Eclipse *B (aka Tex)
ss: VMCH Green Gables SS Moonbeam ++*B
sd: VMCH Green Gables EHJ Sapphire 3*P
Dam: Green Gables DOF Milky Way
ds:Green Gables SOF Dash of Freedom *B                     
dd: Green Gables FF Cali Eclipse 5*P

Click here for extended pedigree

DOB: 3/29/22

Percentage: 56.79/43.21 (Nubian/Nigerian)

Height: 24 (at 2 yrs)

G6S Normal by Parentage

Claire is my daughters' doe. She was born a little early and lived inside with us for almost a week and the girls bonded tightly with her. Her pedigree is loaded with some of our very best animals, so I was not loathe to keep her. :) Her dam's FF udder is stellar with high, snug attachments, excellent teats and teat placement. Claire herself is TINY, yet extremely balanced and correct. Only thing not ideal is her crazy ears. LOL. She has a LOT of control over them. Her first freshening udder is extremely nice. High, wide rear udder attachments, with good shape from the side and easy to milk teats. Her production is incredible for her tiny size.

FF udder

Dam's ff udder

Virtual Show Record

Granddam's udder

Green Gables CGF Eskimo Kiss
5th generation - American

Sire: Green Gables RB Cali's Grand Finale +*B                        ss: Green Gables GS Remember the Battle +*B
sd: Green Gables Cali Luna 4*P
Dam: Green Gables DOF Hershey's Kisses
ds: MiniRanch BC Desert Thunder
dd: Green Gables SS Hershey's Bliss *P

View extended pedigree here

DOB: 4/3/22

Percentage: (Nubian/Nigerian)


G6S Normal by parentage

Every time I look at this girl I say 'Wow!' She is absolutely stunning! Long, wide, deep, smoothly blended, & gorgeous breed character. She has phenomenal udders and tons of milk behind her as well. Oh, and she's an absolute sweetheart with flashy color too! Her first freshening udder is very nice, but I haven't gotten a good picture yet. It is very snugly attached with nice sized and shaped teats. Her udder shape is nice from every angle.


Maternal granddam

First freshening udder

Paternal granddam's Udder

Green Gables AC Shooting Star
6th generation - Purebred

Sire: Green Gables MB Amazing Comet +*B
ss: VMCH Green Gables SS Moonbeam ++*B
sd: Green Gables EHJ Amazing Grace *P
Dam: Green Gables FF Cali Eclipse 5*P
ds:VMCH Green Gables USG Freedom Fighter +*B                     
dd: Green Gables Cali Luna 4*P

Click here for extended pedigree

DOB: 3/26/22

Percentage: 54..69/45.31 (Nubian/Nigerian)

Height: 25.75 (at 2yrs)

G6S Normal by Parentage

I knew when I did this breeding, that I wanted a doeling. We had bred Eclipse to Comet before and their kids were GORGEOUS. This time, Eclipse gave us quads with two doelings to choose between. Eclipse is our heaviest milker ever with teats that are very easy to milk. She has peaked at 14# in 24hrs! Comet always puts gorgeous breed character on his kids along with stunning conformation with long, level toplines. Little Star is no exception! She is freight train long with a strong, level topline, phenomenal ears and over all very nice conformation. She is very dairy and I expect she will follow in her dam's milky hoof prints. :) Star's ff udder is VERY promising with the best teat place of all the first fresheners this year, super snug attachments, and nice shape. Production is ramping up slowly, which is typical of Comet daughters, they take a little longer to produce heavily.

FF udder


Dam's udder

Green Gables Amazing Silver Dollar
5th generation - American
  Sire: Green Gables MB Amazing Comet +*B
ss: VMCH Green Gables SS Moonbeam ++*B
sd: Green Gables EHJ Amazing Grace 1*P
Dam: Green Gables SOF Penny Candy
ds: VMCH Green Gables BF Spice of Freedom +*B
dd: Wonderful Farms SG Royal Candy *P

DOB: 4/25/23

Percentage: 65.14/34.86 (Nubian/Nigerian)

Height: 24.5 at 1yr

G6S Normal by parentage

Sylvie is  LOVELY blue roan doe who has phenomenal breed character. She has incredible length from both parents and her dam's very feminine dairy character. Her dam's udder has super snug attachments and teats that are a great size for hand milking. Sylvie's sire also comes from a line known for well attached udders with correct teat placement. Sylvie is a bit of a ham which adds great personality to her great conformation, breed character and fun coloring. She freshened as a yearling with a beautiful udder that is very correct.

Dam's 2nd freshening udder

Sylvie's ff udder

granddam's udder

Green Gables O7F Snow Denver Dream
3rd generation - American
Sire: Opus 7 Farm MK Elvis
ss: Opus 7 Farm CJ Korsakov
sd: ​Urban Acres HWT Sweet Memphis *P AR*D
Dam: Green Gables D Snowy Daydream
ds:+Green Gables SOF Dreamer *B
dd: Green Gables DT Snow Angel 5*P

Click here for extended pedigree

DOB: 3/27/23

Percentage: 54.08/45.92% (Nubian/Nigerian)

Height: 25.5 at 1yr

G6S Normal by Parentage

Dreamy is a sweet little ff yearling doe. Her conformation is very nice with a long body, level topline, strong feet and legs. Her little FF udder is looking really promising. Dreamy's dam, Daydream, has the same beautiful conformation and is the only daughter we have of our amazing buck, Dreamer that we lost way too young. Dreamy's sire, Denver brings new bloodlines to our herd with good production and conformation. He has done well at improving width and strength on his kids.

Dam's udder

Virtual Show Record

Sire's dam's udder

Mini Nubian Dairy Goats Wisconsin

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